Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I had another dream

Let me first start by saying that Monday night's dream also included Justin Edwards getting married. I was like, whoa!, I thought I was the one getting married soon.

Tuesday night's dream was pretty crazy. Jeremy had taken an eight million dollar loan from a church. (I know it doesn't make sense). I got stung in the foot by a bee. I had this weird feeling in my foot after I got stung. Also, Eric Barton was shooting me with a revolver and I killed him with a rifle. (Note: If you just skipped down to here, this is a description of a dream I had last night, not actual events). It was kinda crazy.

I also tried to solve a math problem in the shower today. I was drawing on the shower door, doing some algebra. I think I've sunk to another low.

Youth group is at Covenant Church, come on out and support Pawn and the Tapes.

Taken, Blessed, Broken, Given.

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