Something Adam Baker told me about 4 years ago just began to make sense. He was giving me a bunch of music and I was lamenting that I would never get to see some of the bands because they aren't together anymore. I was saying something like "Man, if Sunny Day ever got back together, I'd be there, no matter where, I'd be there." Adam then told me that he'd rather just go out to dinner with his friends. At first I thought, man, I'm just a way bigger Sunny Day Real Estate fan than he is. But now, after the happenings of last week, I started to understand what he was saying. I had the opportunity to go see Jeremy Enigk on a Sunday night in Minneapolis. Nealey and I were going to be able to go. It was going to be amazing. Nealey & Jeremy Enigk, how could I go wrong? However, weather had prevented us from making it up to Minneapolis to see the show. We were bummed. But, he was playing in Milwaukee on Tuesday night. I could drive right after school and get there, watch the show, sleep in the car a little on the way back, and take a personal day for Wednesday. But, Nealey was not able to go. Somehow, driving to a show by myself wasn't what the even was supposed to be.
The show is supposed to be a shared experience. Not just me. It wouldn't be what it could have been if i had gone alone. If I go to Jeremy Enigk alone, without Nealey, without Mike, its not what it is supposed to be. When I was first getting into Enigk, that was with Mike, while I was dating Nealey. The show is meant to be shared with people. So, I'm ok with not driving alone to see Enigk.
Nealey and I went to see Starflyer 59 and David Bazan, it was great. A great shared experience.