Monday, March 12, 2007

Some of my friends

Mike and Joel just left a day ago. It was very nice to have them out here to spend time with me and Nealey. We took a trip up to St Paul area to see 300. I did enjoy it. I though it was a good depection of "the warrior". The Achiles, Hector, Hercules. These are people we read about in English class (or on our own). To see visually what a warrior lookes like in action, it was very helpful to me to develope the idea of the warrior/leader/legend. After the film, we wanted to venture into the city to hang out. It was the weekend of high school hockey state playoffs. The town was busy. Our time was well enjoyed. Nealey and I are very grateful that Mike and Joel made the drive out here. They are truly gentlemen.
Also, we parked on the street where there was a wall of snow between the street and the sidewalk, we went over the wall.


justinkenya said...

How you gonna see visually what a warrior lookes like in action live?

(typo based on yours)

Bruce in Alaska said...

Visually, I like to see warriors with my eyes. And I like Eisley, so that must mean that I should get glasses. But I already have some, as we drank out of them last night during The Unit. Which is what they call the highways in Malibu, according to Joan: The 1.

benjamin said...

am i the only one uncomfortable with that picture of mike and joel?