Friday, November 04, 2005


WOW, the blogging world must be on overload. Mike Edwards with a whole new blog! Brilliant! Joel Manahan with another signature lengthy blog (not a criticism)! This is amazing! So I figured I better not be left behind. If Mike and Joel are updating then I really should be.

Tuesday night I was again annoyed. Some people were talking about an upcoming church service in which 4 people were going to be sing a song. The comment was made "I'll definitely be there" with much excitement. It bugged me that a song would be the motivation to be present in church. What about the preaching of the Word? What about witnessing to someone you don't know? What about praying for eachother? Fill my bucket, fill my bucket, fill MY bucket! That's not what this is all about.

In other news, I went with Stuart to Cru last night. It was the first time I had gone to Cru. The Tapes played, it was good. Michael Brown talked about the questions behind the questions. I know it is a seeker sensitive place, so I wasn't expecting deep Biblical teaching about some passage in Numbers but, I did leave with questions. Which is good because it made me think. There was a part when M. Brown was asking a bunch of questions about God, in my head I had a personal answer for practically everyone. It was good to feel strong in my faith. The other thing about going to Cru was a weird feeling within me. I almost felt nervous. Okay let's think about this. Why would I feel nervous? Am I not sure of my faith? Am I going into a new environment? with new people? who I don't know? Do I really know what to expect? Let me say this, I haven't really been a part of something this size (people-wise) who are my peers for a faith-based meeting. I've usually been older or, there was a more diverse crowd, older people and younger people (like church). But that feeling subsided. It was a good night. And I have a question for Justin, where do you get those number puzzles? Could I join in on the fun? That's all for now.

I Love you Nealey

1 comment:

Jer said...

Here ya go!