Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I've been a bit angery lately. By lately I mean, from after worship practice tuesday to waking up today (wednesday). I know why, but then again I don't know why. I'm trying my best here. It seems like I have so many people to not let down,

Girlfriends Parents
The Board
The Youth Board
The Youth

and above all, God. I trying not to let anyone down. I'm trying my best. The Youth Board doesn't want me to let down the Youth, shouldn't they go to the Youth to see that? I really am tired of people just wanting things and not giving any effort for them. I am trying to submit to God first and foremost, and I don't know if they see that. I'm not doing it in order for them to see that, I'm doing it for the reasons that matter, because let's face it, the Youth Board aren't the ones directly touch by my ministry, I'm doing it for the Youth, the future. I'm doing it for God, to be a submissive servant, a teacher, a guide. I'm trying my best. I'm putting in a lot of effort.

1 comment:

joelman said...

Kevin, do you want to have some friendly fight club... you know, to let it all out?