I witnessed the recording of "What the crap is podcasting" Here is a picture:

That was fun. Do a search for Pseudobook on iTunes to find the cast.
Nealey is in Mayo, Mike on the west coast, Joel in School, Greg in bed. Chris Smith (Stuart's Bro-in-law) was talking about some workings of circles of friends. He was talking about when you have a bunch of friends and they hang out all the time, but then one friend moves away or something, and you find out that you don't hang out at all any more with the rest of your friends. My question is, what happens when all your friends leave?
I stayed up way too late with Mike on Tuesday night/Monday morning. We watched The New World on my Laptop, which was amazing, my laptop and the movie. I also started listening to The Dark Forest.
Justin, I don't know if I'm supposed to have this song, but I am really glad I do. On Your Way. This song is quite amazing. I don't really have words to explain how makes me feel when I listen to it. Maybe it provokes some feeling of eternity, and what everlasting really is. Thank you for writing that song.